- I read your report last night, Sir... The numbers and cases that you relate are astonishing. Do you really think that a flu epidemic is raging in our battalion ? However, we were assured that all the conditions were in place to fight in the best conditions...

- With your respect my commander, who told you that ?

- The division general, and he was formal... 

- However, your men are all already very weakened, Sir. I would even say that they are vulnerable.

- Vulnerable ? But what do you mean ?

- What I mean is that your men are not working in decent conditions. They sleep in makeshift tents which do not properly protect them from the cold, so they are perpetually exposed to the elements. And then with all due respect, they are not properly fed. This obviously creates deficiencies, whether in terms of rest for the body or vitamins. However, this has been going on for months. Ultimately, we can fear a real deficiency of the immune system which can go as far as anemia.

- Anemia ? What's that ? 

- A lower than normal level of hemoglobin in red blood cells.

- And what can it do ?

- Anemia occurs when there is not enough hemoglobin in the body to carry oxygen to organs and tissues.

- I don't see any connection with the flu ?

- A poor diet and lack of rest can lead to anemia in the long term...

- Are you criticizing the new rationing policy decided by the general, here ?

- I wouldn't allow myself. I just wanted to draw your attention to...

- Listen, you're starting to annoy me, Perkin ! So do your job as a doctor and take proper care of those wounded in combat so that they can at least one day reunite with their families, even with one leg missing... It will always be a bargain ! Your stories about the immune system are a bit of a tall tale, we have other priorities ahead ! And then I remind you that you are supposed to put them back on their feet when possible and quickly !

- But sir, what should we do when a 19-years-old develops sepsis right after injuring himself with a knife while cutting an apple ? Can you tell me ? And I don't even have the required treatments to stop the process anymore. It seems that I'm undergoing rationing too, sir.

The commander in question stared at him. How dare he bring up all these abstract medical concepts that he knew nothing about ? And yet, it seemed that this flu story was taking on a certain magnitude...