I’ve been waiting for you for a long time,” it would whisper to her every night. It's as if every night him and Brigitte meet in another dimension.

She took her anxiolytics, indulged in her sophrology exercises and fell into a deep sleep, a sleep that was too enveloping and hermetic not to be superficial. She often hiccupped before sleeping. She wanted to cry, caught in her heart and body between the grips of dull anguish, waiting for the evening to resurface. They had waited all day patiently, lurking in the shadows, to be able to return to the front of the stage. Mental succubi, it was always before bedtime that they came to bombard her with pressing questions with impossible answers.

Would old age take her away before having tasted life ? What was true love ? What was the meaning of life ?

The only answer was that she would go about her daily rituals and the question was closed. Close at least until this creature invites itself into her head, always with this same sentence, this mantra coming out of its diaphanous mouth. A gaping hole stuck on a macaque face. The message was crystal clear, distorting this already very wide mouth to tirelessly let these same sounds pass at the same rhythm, and always with the same tone. They had been waiting for her for a long time and firmly affirmed it with a twinkle in the eye, as if Brigitte alone could know exactly what it was all about.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." it said to her, languorously snapping her snake tail against their wolfdog body.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." it repeated to her, plunging their coal gaze into her with a twinkle in the eye.

She also ended up looking into its eyes, drowning in its deep and mischievous gaze which spoke volumes about her own fantasies...