My appearance have often been described as austere, and even more so over the past 20 years. Well, originally, if we go back to the first time I was conceived in -39 BC, the idea wasn't to intimidate the populace but to preserve texts, either Christian or pagans, by the way... 

Preserve meaning, making a little more tangible this oral wisdom, which hitherto had been sufficient to maintain a solid link with God or any other authoritative entity.

But it's as if, over time, words became emptied of their importance and their sacred character and it was necessary to multiply the media to "bottle" this wisdom.

Then over time I was provided with a DVD, music section and so on... As if to increase the chances that this wisdom would be remembered in our good memory by whatever means. And the more my shelves multiplied, subdividing themselves into subcategories of possible study materials, the more I caused the appearance of a church, people seeing myself as sacred, austere and unfathomable.

Even though we have only been talking here about two thousand years of curiosity towards the world.